Thank you for donating! Every donation helps us make progress toward our initial fundraising goal of $50,000 so that we can begin helping families in need! We still have a long way to go.
Fight’s On!
Dan “Animal” Javorsek, President
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
Robin Williams
A diagnosis can be quite disruptive for families:
- Health insurance companies often do not cover second opinions.
- The multitude of appointments stretch the family’s resources.
- Treatments can have unpredictable side effects.
- Military families are rarely near grandparents or extended relatives who might otherwise assist.
- As is often the case with cancer, remission is never guaranteed, and early discovery can be extremely beneficial…unfortunately, aircrew are often conditioned by the system to delay any trips to the flight doctor because of the risk of being “grounded” from even a causal visit.
- The care for a rapidly deteriorating aircrew member is unexpected and frequently happens in middle age (often in their 30’s or 40’s). Spouses often must take time off or even quit their jobs to help with young children while still assisting with medical appointments. Sadly, the youth of the family means that they have not had the opportunity to accrue significant net worth which might otherwise be available when such challenges are encountered after retirement.
- Finally, following the funeral, the remaining spouse must try to start again after expending all the family’s life savings. Many times this includes moving since their existing home was driven by the aircrew member’s profession.